The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. ~Mark Twain

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Productive Weekend!

Melbourne's gloomy weekend is perfect!

Perfect for SEWING!

Apart from some functional work like joining backing and darning some sox, I had a very productive weekend!

I completed this cot quilt -with my own simple, and somewhat sparse quilting!
The binding is on and the quilt ready for gifting.

Every year my local patchwork shop "Patchwork House" hosts a Mystery Quilt Challenge for the charity "Open Family".

Participants purchase a Fat Eighth to construct a 12 inch block. It is up to each individual to add the rest of the fabric and the design of their own choice.

It's all part of the fun!

Each one is joined together and quilted by the talented girls at the shop. The quilts are then donated to the charity to give to needy clients such as street kids or to be raffled and so raise money for the under-privileged.

The dark green with overlapping geometric shapes is this year's mystery fabric.

From my 'design' wall- this is my first option (above).

My second.

My third - but not really considered.

This is what I finally settled on!

This one I made from some of the left over pieces!

I always look forward to seeing what other more talented patchworkers come up with at the unveiling!

I will keep you informed of how the final quilts come together, sometime before Christmas!

Have a happy week!


1 comment:

Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

Hi Suz!

LOVE the cot quilt!!! and your donation block is lovely too! I like the layout you chose even though all of the others were good too!

Happy Sewing!